Here you are: registration for your conference is open. It looks like you’ll be hosting a big and diverse crowd. Even in this kind of environment, misconduct can be an issue.
A Code of Conduct (CoC) serves the comfort and well-being of everyone involved.
Plenty of templates and online resources are available to choose from. To keep it simple, start with three key elements:
√ behaviors that are considered unacceptable
√ how and to whom incidents should be reported
√ sanctions for offenders
Tip 1: Mozilla’s Code of Conduct is a good sample to follow. In their case, besides the above points, attention is drawn to inclusion and diversity.
Tip 2: If worried that nobody bothers reading the CoC, for the impatient ones, publish a short, simplified version. The longer, more elaborate CoC can also be accessed on your website. One example is the I T.A.K.E. Unconference CoC.
Keep in mind: the organizing team’s familiarity and quick response to misconduct is appreciated by participants. It also helps provide discovery and learning opportunities in a positive, welcoming environment.
Also published on Medium.